How to Open A Tanning Salon- From Spray Tanning Training to Equipment

Article provided by Style Folio Jewelry.

So you love sunless tanning and are a firm advocate for all of its positive results- and you also need a job. Why not open your own tanning salon? This is a brief article meant to give you the push in the right direction of opening your own tanning salon. It provides a quick overview of the basics needed, from the sunless tanning equipment to the training for yourself and your employees.

To Start, You Need the Training To Back Up Your Business

Just because you love being tan and know how to apply spray tan does not qualify you to do it for a living. You must be certified first! There are many different kinds of Spray Tanning Training and Certification classes to choose from. These classes range from $25.00 dollars to $800.00 dollars, depending on the equipment you are learning to use and how many people you are training and certifying. Purchasing the classes and materials is a cinch, if you know where to go.  Wholesale companies that sell sunless tanning products such as Artesian Tan often sell training and certification classes too, sometimes with a discount if you also purchase the equipment you need from them.

Time to Purchase the Equipment

After your training, you should know the various types of sunless tanning that you will be offering in your salon. This can range from having tanning beds which utilize UV rays to tan the skin, to selling over the counter lotions, to spray stalls which use spray tanning. To purchase equipment, be sure to compare prices and brands to ensure that you are getting the best quality for your money.

Lastly, the Product and Your Image

The last thing needed for your salon is to stock it with the product that you will be promoting and selling. If you are offering spray tans, then you will need to purchase airbrush tanning products. If you have decided to sell over the counter tanning lotions and creams, you will want to choose a brand that accurately reflects you and your salon so as to give the right image to your clients.

This is a very simplified guide on a few of the things that go into opening a tanning salon. Of course, more research will be required, but there are lots of sources out there to help refine what you are looking for. So go start your research, get your certification, and have fun!


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