Landau Uniforms Make it all Seem So….Real

Television is a funny entertainment mean, in the sense that it so predictably caricaturizes certain roles. In any hospital scene of any number of the emergency room dramas out there you are guaranteed to see a handful of extras walking around in landau uniforms and scrub pants. That is not to say that you would not find such a spectacle in a real hospital, but television would be much more entertaining if the producers decided to take their program a little less seriously, and make more fun and crazy costume choices.

Is one of the actors on the program you are watching doing a bad job at really convincing you what kind of roll he or she is playing? Don’t worry, they are wearing lab coats, so they are obviously scientists, or if they aren’t, they are at least really smart and that’s all you need to know to buy the words coming out of their mouth for a minute.

It really is not much of a problem; it is just kind of humorous. Those Cherokee scrubs that keep popping up could even be just a method of product placement. But of course it is not the kind of product placement that pertains to the common viewer, but you never know when some hospital director may be watching and might just get an idea to order some identical scrubs to make their patients believe that their routine medical visit is actually the set of some hospital drama, thus making their doctors visit a little less mundane.

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