What To look For When Purchasing A Toddler Car Seat

A toddler car seat is essential to keep children safe inside a vehicle during travel. In a 2005 statistics for motor vehicle accidents, it showed that these accidents nearly killed 2,000 children aged below 14 years old and about 230,000 child injuries. Because of this, strict child safety laws are enforced all over the United States and as well as in other countries. Parents started to invest of high quality and durable car seat strollers such as the bugaboo cameleon stroller.

When you are planning to purchase your child’s car seat, there are several things that you have to look for. First, the car seat should match and support your child’s weight, height and age. You will need to update your child’s car seat as he or she grows. You may start from a rear facing seat, then switch to a forward facing car seat once your child turns two or weigh at least 90 kgs. When you child turns eight, you may now buy a booster seat. Make sure that the size of the car seat you purchase will fit in your car, smaller vehicles may only fit narrower base car seats.

Article submitted by D Mart Stores. D Mart stores is one of the leading online sources where you can purchase high quality car seat strollers, various baby products and a lot more. They carry popular and trusted car seat brands such as Chicco, Safety 1st, bugaboo, Britax car seats and many more.

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