Traditionally, the medical uniform was about the most boring outfit to wear. This was because it remained more or less unchanged for over a hundred years. But in the past couple of decades, this has changed and changed for the better.

Nowadays, medical scrubs are a lot better looking and trendy. Choosing scrubs has actually become a difficult task thanks to the variety and the prices available out there. Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing scrubs.

  • You can’t go wrong with brand names. Cherokee scrubs and landau scrubs have very diverse ranges and therefore are most likely to work for a lot of medical establishments.
  • Place an emphasis on comfort. Medical staff have to be able work in them for long hours sometimes and therefore freedom of movement is important. Equally important is the material from which the scrubs are created. Itchy, non-breathing material will cause a lot of discomfort and take a person’s mind off what they should be doing, so this must be looked into as well.
  • The material must be long lasting. It should be easily washable and dry fast. It should not stain and the colors should hold for several hundred washes. Remember that scrubs can be exposed to a large variety of liquids ranging from blood to chemicals.
  • Buy in large quantities to get a better price from the vendor. Although you may be “stuck” with the same look for a while, you will ensure a uniformity in the way all your staff look for a few years.